Ed's Journal - Feb 18, 2009

2009 February 18

Created by Susan 14 years ago
Subject: tumour si, chemo no (Ed wrote this February 18) It seems they have me in a Catch-22 They won't do chemo until the hemoglobin is high enough. The tumour is bleeding 24/7, so guess what that does? Instead of chemo, I filled out a bazillion forms and received an IV of iron and dextrose through my "medi-port" http://www.markfuscomd.com/port.htm so we know that's working. I finally made enough noise that I got a prescription for a diuretic. Lots of excess fluid in the abdomen, which puts a strain on the low back similar to pregnancy, and when my body ran out of room there, it started storing it in my feet and legs. Next attempt at chemo next monday.