Margaret Shere 17th July 2009

I heard about Ed before I met him. My sisters Irene and Rosie told me that Susan had met a wonderful man, and that they were getting married in Scotland with celebrations to follow in England With Susan's family, and then back in New York with friends. When I sent Susan my congratulations, she responded with photos of the wedding. What joy I saw in those photos - Susan looking beautiful and glowing in a flowered dress, and Ed with his long ponytail looking adoringly at Susan. A few months later I came to New York for a visit, and met Susan and Ed for dinner at a restaurant in Grand Central Station. As I was looking for the restaurant, I heard a voice behind me call my name. "Moppet, it's over here." I turned around and there they were, Susan and Ed. We exchanged greetings and hugs - Ed treating me with great warmth even though we were meeting for the first time. As we sat down to dinner, I could feel that the joy I had seen in the photos was there in even greater abundance in person. Susan was beaming from ear to ear. In their glances, and in the way they sat together, I could sense the deep happiness between them. As we talked at dinner, I found that Ed was a warm, intelligent, interesting person who I immediately liked. I saw Ed with Susan one more time in New York where he talked about his interest in his interest in the history of the American Revolution, and about his participation in reenactments of the Revolution. Susan and Ed were going to an event that night sponsored by the organization that performs reenactments. I wondered if they would go in period costumes. Susan, it is delightful to see the photo on this website of you and Ed looking just as great as I imagined you would in costume. Susan, although I was not there to see, I know that your very special loving care was a great comfort to Ed. The words you wrote about caring for him on your last night together were so beautiful - the bright moonlight coming in through the windows, and how you imagined Ed "hitching a ride on the moon sailing off to a new adventure." I hope that such beautiful thoughts, as well as the love and caring of family and friends will sustain you, and help you through this difficult time. With much love, Margaret(Moppet)Shere